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Rawstone Kitchens & Bathrooms

Dear Customer

We hope that this brief guide will assist you to install your new kitchen. Unfortunately, this guide will not cover every aspect of installing kitchens. Therefore we advise that you contact your consultant at Rawstone Kitchens & Bathrooms, prior to installation if your are uncertain on any point.


Whilst Rawstone Kitchens & Bathrooms has made every effort to include most fixings to compete your installation, there may be some instances where fixings supplied are not suitable. It is up to the 'Installer' to ensure that correct fixings in an appropriate number are used in accordance with the buildings construction.

Rawstone Kitchens & Bathrooms takes no responsibility for faulty installations. All fixings and installation procedures are suggested methods only.

Safety Note

MDF dust can be harmful to your health. Always make sure you are wearing an approved dust mask when cutting or cleaning up.

Rawstone  Kitchens, Bathrooms & Laundries
Perth Home Renovation Specialists

20-step guide for self-assembling your kitchen

1.  Study your plans and select a simple carcase. eg QF800 to assemble first.

2.  Assemble cabinet using supplied 50mm HOSPA screws in pre-drilled holes. Use a table or bench
     to assemble cabinets. Fit drawer runners to drawer units. If you are assembling a base corner
     unit QFFC that you place the shelf into the cabinet before screwing the last component together
     it is impossible to add the shelf once you have assembled the cabinet.

3.  Once assembled, turn cabinet upside down and fit adjustable leg mounting blocks. Once mounting
     blocks are screwed onto the carcase then know the adjustable leg into the mounting block
     and adjust each leg to the prescribed height.

4.  Place cabinet into approximate position 16mm off wall.

5.  Repeat steps 2 - 4 until all base cabinets are assembled and placed in their approximate

6.  Fasten BASE cabinets together using MCON connectors. Ensure that the tops and the fronts of
     cabinets are flush and that no screw heads are proud of the melamine. DO NOT fasten
     cabinets to wall.

7.  When BASE cabinets are screwed together you need to check their position, making sure they
     are off the wall and square to the room. Using a Spirit Level and preferably a long straight
     edge, level the cabinets by adjusting the windup legs. Level left to right and front to back.

8.  Once cabinets are level and in correct position, fix to the wall using supplied 16mm
     melamine packers between the cabinets and the wall (fixing hardware not supplied).

9.  Place counter tops onto cabinets and check for size. You may need to scribe the backs of
     the counter tops to make them fit if your walls are not straight. mark centre line of site joins
     and remove tops. Cut out section of full top in corner units to allow access for joining bolts.
     Place counter tops back on cabinets and check that you have access to the joining bolt from
     the underside of the corner cabinet. DO NOT glue counter top joints yet.

10. Assemble and fasten overhead cabinets to wall. Remember to allow for end fillers and end
      panels between some cabinets.

11. Mark out cut out for your cook top and sink. Make sure that the hotplate will line up with
      the range hood cabinet and that the sink bowls fit in the required cabinet. Using a jigsaw,
      perform required cut outs. It may be necessary to cut out part of the front rail of the
      cabinet under these cut outs. Allow for this when marking out cut out.

12. Check to make sure appliances fir the cut outs. Counter top joins may now be glued together.
      Use 6 - 8 hour Araldite and clean up with thinners (not supplied).

13. Check forn overhang of counter tops and equal out. Fix counter tops to front rails and
      BTFix fittings in cabinet back.

14. Fit all remaining cabinets and end end panels.

15. Fit assembled drawers into carcases.

16. Push and screw hinge mounting plates into pre-drilled holes.

17. Fit doors and drawer fronts.

Mark handle position holes, drill and fit handles or knobs. Before drilling the holes, check
      by opening each door that you are drilling the handle holes on the correct side of the door.

19. Fit kick boards, bins to doors or any other associated hardware.

20. Clean up, remove stickers using a heat gun or hair dryer, and congratulate yourself.

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Modular Cabinets:

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Standard Floor Units
Standard Wall Units
High Line Wall Units
Tall Units
Assembly Instructions


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Tools required:

•  Cordless drill with Pozi
   Drive (Screwdriver bit)

•  Spirit level & Straight

•  10mm Ring or Open
   (for joining bolts)

•  Jigsaw

•  Araldite and thinners

•  Wall fixings - timber
   framed or masonry

•  Dust mask and safety

Kitchens & Bathrooms

Unit 2 / 3 Langar Way
Landsdale WA 6065
Phone: +61 8 9302 1951
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